Friday, October 2, 2009

Blog Stage Three

Liberals and Civility
Why Democrats should welcome a rough debate.
Now that their summer of bluster is over, conservatives may congratulate themselves on a job well done. The stout-hearted defenders of freedom declared that government could never work, sometimes citing examples of misgovernment drawn from periods of conservative rule to make their case.
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I read this article on the Wall Street Journal from the opinion section written by Mr. Thomas Frank. The article is about ..."Why Democrats should welcome a rough debate."... Some parts of Mr. Frank's argument supported with facts and evidence but not all of them for example, the author shows why the liberals won't debate. He makes a lot of conclusions without stating any facts. Obama is the greatest orator, opinion of many, but no facts. Liberals have the advantage in the debate because the facts are on their side, then he don't state one...I believe he should provide some facts and evidence for this part. My opinion on the author's argument is not successful argument because of the above reason.
In general, if more government oversight is truly needed, it should begin with more oversight of the government, including all those in the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial Branches of Government. If anything, our government is waste, fraud, abuse, and certainly not the solution.

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