Thursday, October 15, 2009

Blog Stage Four

Presidential Power Grows. Will You Love Every Future President?
I reviewed a blog from written by David Swanson. The article is about ...Presidential Power Grows... The subject of the discussion was the imperial presidency and the concrete, discernible, tangible damage that the Bush Administration did to the concepts of civil liberties and checks and balances. There is a lot of truth in this article. Whatever Obama does a republican president will come along in the future to put a conservative twist on it. If Obama had been successful getting single payer health care then a republican would cut it back some how maybe restricting it to just the rich. Sure, the increasing power of the presidency is to blame but ideology is just as bad. If a president doesn't believe in a policy or department then in the best case scenario it'll go unfunded in the worst case it'll cease to exist or will be used in the opposite way in which it was intended. In addition, at some point, this arrangement will arrive at the logical end point and American elections will be (more than today) archaic and quaint. So, I believe that the authors intended audience He has my attention and I feel his arguments and his comments should be heard by all and I agree with him like i mention in the above and recommend everybody to read it

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