Thursday, November 26, 2009

Blog Stage Seven

I read this article on the Written by Foon Rhee, The article is about Economy. I would say that the majority in that poll do not understand how economies work. This is about the time that the unemployment should be bottoming if the stimulus worked. The Bush administration lost more than a million jobs during eight years. Now that is a failed policy. It is still too early to pin it to the Dems although I will admit it is getting close. If you need to blame someone or something for our current economic condition, blame the American people. You shoot blanks when aiming at Republicans or Democrats, Corporations or Unions, Presidents or Congressmen. This country is governed by the people for the people. What happened to individual responsibility? there was an article in the USA Today about unfair Credit Card practices. One of those interviewed for the story considered himself to be a "conservative spender." Yet he had $75,000 in credit card debt. And, yes he blames the credit card company. This "blame game" is a "slippery slope" that will only hurt this country further.

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