Friday, November 13, 2009


Good post, written by SCOTTY SCOTT this sounds like an interesting article. I like his comment about support-for-troops and veterans who protect our security and freedom. Clearly, he gives readers that he has spent 6 years in the Army and Covers the most important points to be considered during those years of service. In addition, He explains what areas needs to be done to fix those.
Whether we agree with the current political climate or the reasons we fight or not, it’s important to never lose sight of the fact that our soldiers are in peril serving us. I understand that one of the absolute last taboos of American public life is to say something negative about troops. Everyone is required to put in their two-words about how brave the troops are. That is fine. But, I also think that to be constantly enthralled by one’s military, and to venerate them beyond all standards, is not healthy for a civil society. Our military has important MATERIAL needs (which are, in fact, many join the military in the first place). That is what we should be focused on giving them.

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