Thursday, October 29, 2009

Blog Stage Five

The Road to Health-Care Reform

Why making laws takes so darn long.

I loved this article about Health-Care Reform in the Newsweek. I strongly agree with this analysis,We takes so darn long to get Health-Care Reform. I agree with President Obama, millions of Americans, and many lawmakers on both sides of the aisle, the time for forming our health care system is now. Our current rate of health care costs is simply unsustainable. Health insurance premiums for the average American family have nearly doubled since 2000.
It is obviously beneficial to Americans overall but the Republicans choose a lemming-like partisan vote along party line that would not need any use of brains or being deliberative. The Republicans do not want health care reform because they believe it will add to the deficits, and they intend to expand the deficits helping Iraq, not America. The GOP has absolutely no problem when it comes to deficit spending in the trillions in Iraq, Afghanistan, and any war one can think of. But don't mention to these "fair and balanced" people from "Fox nation" a social program designed to NOT add to deficits, because they go ballistic. If we are serious about health care reform, we will get serious about finding bipartisan ways to reduce the spending in this bill, and we will get serious about finding bipartisan ways to raise the necessary revenues to meet that spending. Americans need a strong public health insurance option available to anyone who chooses to participate nationwide. It is only fair to give consumers a public option. We must not wait on health reform while health care costs continue to rise.

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